Saturday morning Josh and Larry went golfing, and then they met Jackson and me for dinner at Red Robin--double yum :)

I don't actually remember any traffic snafus from last year, but this year we managed to do everything right! We headed out on the early side, leaving the house just after 9. Traffic was fine going into the city and we found ample parking right behind the Jefferson Memorial. We decided to walk over to Lincoln before heading into the American History Museum since it would only be getting hotter... Abe was doing just fine, and we had a great view of the Washington Monument and the reflecting pool. Everything looked very patriotic with lots of flags flying and pretty memorial flowers laid out. This was the first time Larry had been to the American History Museum since the renovation was finished, and he seemed impressed :) After the museum we had a picnic on the Mall and had fun people watching. The motorcycles were definitely in full force, but since we have gotten a great parking spot and hadn't had to fight them on the roads, we were able to just enjoy the sights. I know that sounds silly, but if you stop to think about what Memorial Day is about and the enormous number of bikers that gather to help remember all of the important things the men and women fighting for our country have done, it's pretty cool :)

We realized as we were finishing up lunch that the Rolling Thunder parade was headed right in the direction of our car. Hmmm... To kill some time we ducked into the Air and Space Museum for a bit. It had been a really long time since any of us had been in there, and it was pretty cool! Jackson fell asleep on the way over, but was awake to enjoy all of the airplanes by the time we were leaving :) We didn't really have any trouble walking back to our car and getting home (not without a stop to see Mr. Jefferson, of course!)
Larry's flight wasn't until Monday night, but we just hung around during the day. We went to Five Guys for lunch and then had a walk in the woods with Pax after Jackson's nap.

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