Won't You Be My Hugaroo?, by Joanne Ryder, is another Jackson favorite. This became a favorite later on because he liked pointing out all of the balloons! There are a lot of them, and I think he is also trying to tell us that the yellow ones are his favorite :) This book has a companion: Won't You Be My Kissaroo? They are both very sweet and follow the same pattern of showing different kinds of hugs and kisses. The animals in the pictures are so cute! I think this was also a Valentine's Day purchase...

I Love You Through and Through, by Bernadette Shustack, is probably one that I love more than Jackson, to be honest. It's a simple story, but the pictures caught my attention right away! They are so cute, you can't help wanting to snuggle your own little person!

We love kissing books at our house too! I did a kissing book today for FMBF in fact. THese look like excellent choices for a babe.
Hi Dana,
When B asks for a book that we've returned to the library I use that as my gauge to buy it. I think she would love the first one. She has a thing for hippos.
I emailed you but it must have gone to your junk mail again. I wrote Amy, she must have passed on my email to her publicist and then sent me a copy to review and are letting me giveaway a copy!!!! So thank you, thank you, thank you.
I am thrilled to own a copy of your birthday book!
Dana please let me know by this Thursday if you can Host Feed Me Books Friday on July 30th. Thanks for volunteering!
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