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A friend put it well when describing her mom's addiction to children's books: they are like crack to her! That is SO true! But, they are healthier, and a big cheaper... Anyways, Jackson has an insane collection of books, but I am learning how to use the library more (that's for another post!). I found a couple of blogs that heavily focus on children's books. I can see my time being sucked away already! In a totally good way :) One blog is called Silly Eagle Books. The ENTIRE thing is dedicated to wonderful lists of books :) The second blog is The Adventure of Motherhood. This blog features Feed Me Books Friday. My first post for Feed Me Books Friday is going to be about some of Jackson's and my favorite authors/series.
That's Not My Monkey is our favorite in the series of That's Not My... books. I remember a friend raving about how much her kids liked That's Not My Pirate, so I checked it out. I was under-whelmed. But, as Jackson got to the point of really enjoying touch and feel books, I realized the uniqueness of this series. The textures are different than the typical feel the farm/baby animal books. They are new, different, and exciting! I remember the first night I read this to Jackson, he kept asking for it over and over and over... I showed these to my mom and she has been building Jackson's collection ever since... :) Thanks, Mimi! This fun little guy (or girl?) is featured in Leslie Patricelli's books. I got one of these as a baby gift WAY before Jackson was born. It was called Big Little. It really didn't seem THAT exciting to me, but I put it on his shelf anyways. I was slightly intrigued since it was a kids' book I hadn't seen yet... Well, Jackson took a liking to Big Little early on! We have checked out many others from the library, and I recently purchased Quiet Loud to help Jackson get a sense of those two qualities. The books are a magical combination of simple and entertaining :)
Peek a Who is the first Nina Laden book we read (and loved!!!). We have checked out Grow Up and I just bought Who Loves You Baby? These books are all a nice, small size--perfect for small hands! They are just so cute and fun, you can't help but love them :)
Karen Katz's books fell into the category of That's Not My... I just thought they were another lift-the-flap series. Definitely not! Jackson loves Where Is Baby's Bellybutton? Peek-a-Baby is another favorite. We've gotten a couple others from the library, and always check out the Karen Katz section at the bookstore. I bought him Excuse Me which uses flaps to explain simple good-manners. It's pretty cute, and very age appropriate as we work on the basics!
Sandra Boynton's books are always a favorite! They have such cute little critters, and are just fun in general! Here's a little collage of some of the more popular ones, but she has TONS! Some even have music you can download to match :)
Dana - All great suggestions! We have many Sandra Boynton and Karen Katz. We just got introduced to the "That's not my..." series and we're enjoying it too! Thanks for your comment on Little Sprout Books: Enjoy it at 2, at 12, at 52 That is so cool that Amy K is your cousin! I've been to her website and I've already started a long wishlist!
I need a baby! I love Usborne board books but haven't read much of Sandra Boynton. Lift-the-flap books seem to be fun at any age! Thanks for the suggestions.
My kids have loved Usborne books growing up, especially their flap books. I've gotten them back out to use with the little girl I baby sit. It's so much fun having a little one in the house again and she LOVES books. I did review a book that your cousin Amy wrote - just discovered her yesterday while at the library and LOVE her books! They are priceless! Have you checked out Sandra Boyton's Mom Calendar. I used it for years before I got my iPhone and loved it as an invaluable resource to keep activities and paperwork straight.
Is Amy Krouse Rosenthal really your cousin!? That's so cool! I just heard about her birthday journal. I would love to review one and give one away on my Mommy's Piggy TALES blog or my motherhood blog. I would gladly spread the word:)
Anyway, it good to meet another children's book "addict." I've definitely increased my addiction since becoming a parent.
I began writing this blog because I wanted to track Josh's and my adventure into parenthood. We are thoroughly enjoying every day with Jackson Albert. We are SOOO looking forward to welcoming a baby brother for Jackson at the beginning of June! We welcome our friends to read along :) My blog has changed a little as I have found myself enjoying using my blog to share parenting tips and tricks, book recommendations, recipes, and other great ideas! Happy reading and feel free to comment early and often :)
Dana -
All great suggestions! We have many Sandra Boynton and Karen Katz. We just got introduced to the "That's not my..." series and we're enjoying it too! Thanks for your comment on Little Sprout Books: Enjoy it at 2, at 12, at 52
That is so cool that Amy K is your cousin! I've been to her website and I've already started a long wishlist!
I need a baby! I love Usborne board books but haven't read much of Sandra Boynton. Lift-the-flap books seem to be fun at any age! Thanks for the suggestions.
My kids have loved Usborne books growing up, especially their flap books. I've gotten them back out to use with the little girl I baby sit. It's so much fun having a little one in the house again and she LOVES books. I did review a book that your cousin Amy wrote - just discovered her yesterday while at the library and LOVE her books! They are priceless! Have you checked out Sandra Boyton's Mom Calendar. I used it for years before I got my iPhone and loved it as an invaluable resource to keep activities and paperwork straight.
Wow! These look so cute!!! I love fun books to read...with my kids of course!!! :-)
Sandra Boynton is wonderful - we love the Going to Bed Book - but I think Barnyard Dance is our favorite :)
Is Amy Krouse Rosenthal really your cousin!? That's so cool! I just heard about her birthday journal. I would love to review one and give one away on my Mommy's Piggy TALES blog or my motherhood blog. I would gladly spread the word:)
Anyway, it good to meet another children's book "addict." I've definitely increased my addiction since becoming a parent.
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