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I feel the need to update a few of my more recent posts! I know, I know, everyone is just dying to know more :P
First up, Words to Remember. Josh and I have added considerably to the list of words Jackson knows. The list now includes: eyes, ears, shoes, book, snack, meow, more, on, raisins, airplane, uh-oh, ouch, socks, again, and off.
Next, Trader Joe's Groupie. I tried three new items at TJ's this week: Thai Joe's Coconut Curry Chicken Stix, Trader Joe's Yogurt Star Cookies, and Trader Joe's Apple Carrot Fruit Sauce Crushers. The Coconut Curry Chicken Stix were slightly disappointing :( I am a HUGE coconut fan, so I guess the disappointment was there was not a strong presence of coconut. They were pretty tasty, overall. The Yogurt Star Cookies are amazingly addictive :) I bought them for Jackson, but of course, I've stolen my fair share from the bag... Seriously yummy! The Apple Carrot Fruit Sauce Crusher is essentially applesauce in squeezeable form. I was really excited to try it, so Jackson was too! I took control over the first couple of squeezes, and then he took the pouch and totally finished the rest of the pouch on his own! There was only one fallen glob. He LOVED it! He just squeezed and sucked away until it was all gone! I am thinking we are ready for the squeezeable yogurts, but this was nice because it wasn't just a flimsy opening at the top--there is a screw-off cap that reveals a plastic opening to suck out of. I think that prevented a lot of the potential mess! I'm super psyched to take these to the beach--no muss, no fuss!
The third update, is regarding the dinner I made for Father's Day 2010. I am not a leftovers person. At all. However, the Chicken Parmigiana I made for dinner has been delicious as leftovers! The first night we had leftovers from it, there was extra pasta and chicken with sauce. I just threw it in a bowl, sprinkled more cheese on top, and stuck it in the oven. Tonight I was on my own for dinner so I just made some more pasta while the chicken and sauce heated up in the oven. It was so yummy, AND I actually looked forward to having these leftovers! That is quite an accomplishment :)
I began writing this blog because I wanted to track Josh's and my adventure into parenthood. We are thoroughly enjoying every day with Jackson Albert. We are SOOO looking forward to welcoming a baby brother for Jackson at the beginning of June! We welcome our friends to read along :) My blog has changed a little as I have found myself enjoying using my blog to share parenting tips and tricks, book recommendations, recipes, and other great ideas! Happy reading and feel free to comment early and often :)
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