We had an amazing play date this morning, and the rest of the day has been great as well :) I'm convinced the two are connected! Our play date was with my friend, Katherine, and her twin boys, Colin and Liam. They turn one in just over a month--they are such cutie pies!
I met Katherine at Borders after story time a couple of months ago. I find this situation rather hilarious: I started investigating story times because I thought it would be a good regular activity we could attend, and a place where I could meet other moms and forge some new friendships. Well, we've been attending story time on Monday mornings at Borders for a long while now, and there are just starting to be a few moms with whom I think I might be more than Monday morning friends... (It's still a great weekly outing!) One Monday morning, however, I noticed a woman walking through the store with a double stroller that I was quite envious of! (It is really the same stroller I have, just a newer model.) She ended up behind me in line and her little boys were so cute, I just had to ask the obligatory questions of how old, etc. We chatted in line, went to separate check-outs, but were on the way out at the same time. I can't remember what got us talking again, but we stood outside chatting for a few minutes. Katherine was bold enough to ask how busy we were during the days and if we ever did play dates. I told her we didn't get to do as many as I would like, so we exchanged e-mail addresses! By that evening, we had already gone back and forth a few times on e-mail and had set up a date to go walking! The rest is history!
Katherine and I both agree that we were destined to be friends :) We are both teachers, we are both super-organized (and enjoy doing it!), and after more and more talks, we realize we just are on the same page about so many things! It is SO nice to have another mom to meet up with and chat to in between play dates!
I was a little nervous taking Jackson and James to her house today since I've never had them both at someone else's house. They were SO good! A bit shy at first, but they shared really well with the little boys and really had a good time exploring all of the new toys! Katherine's house was all set for us to, complete with gates! That's really the key now--keeping them away from certain things! In a few weeks they are coming over here to play. I'm sure the Jackson and James will enjoy showing them the woods where we walk everyday and introducing them to "big boy" trucks :)
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